The centerpiece of the terrace an explosive, color-soaked work by Chicago artist James Jankowiak.

Our Lakeview clients appreciate art and form, and wanted their rear terrace to be functional but also reflect their art aesthetic. The centerpiece of the terrace is ‘There’s Cracks Everywhere, That’s How The Light Gets Through’, an explosive, color-soaked 7′ x 12’ acrylic-on-marine board work by Chicago artist James Jankowiak. The painting is so vivid and bold that we strove for a subdued ground plane and plantings, allowing the painting and various boldly colored forms to grab the attention.

Secondly, we wanted the space to feel open and uncluttered visually, so we decided upon open mesh and glass panels for the railings and staircase. Ipe wood warms up the structural elements. An umbrella can be opened and rotated to cover the dining area or the lounge seating space as needed. Night lighting creates a warm ambience perfect for after-hours reflection over a glass of wine.